Yeah . The #SilverFeverSlayer came to us.
And we even made a LIVE CONCERT on YOUTUBE just to warn that silver was going waaaaaay down from last month.
We worked NON STOP on reddit, youtube, twitter. Just to alert silver bugs that SILVER WAS GOING DOWN.
YES! the market was in a fever!
They were even after crowdfunding a billboard to crash JP MORGAN AND BUY SILVER!
Just like 10 years ago with the Max keiser campaign.
IF you want to watch all the evidences given from JANUARY 2021 THAT SILVER was about to get hammered just visit the youtube playlist here:
Next update will be on March 12 ,2021. I will explain everything . 8PM NY TIME LIVE ON YOUTUBE! All the patterns will be revealed.
Subscribe to youtube channel and stay tuned.